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视频 | 为什么说,你千万不能错过“职场加速器”?!

作家相片: UniExploreUniExplore

还在苦恼留学/求职简历没什么内容能写? 猛然发现加拿大本地的实习机会很难找?


UniExplore Business Career Accelerator(商业职场加速器)来帮你!


Garret MacGillivray

(Head Instructor)

  • 加拿大当地经验丰富的投资银行专业人士,其交易额超过50亿加元。

  • 知名Private Equity Firm联合创始人兼执行总监 (Managing Director),迄今交易额超过15亿加元

  • 顶尖投资管理公司Trez Capital的高级顾问:负责加拿大东部和美国东北部商业房地产贷款的开发并在短期内成功审核10亿美金的总额,并创造超过3亿美元的资金

  • R2 Investment的联合创始人兼CTO (首席科技官),领导创建由OSC监管的商业房地产众筹平台,负责开发公司内的销售平台,营销,运营和IT基础架构

  • 500强企业世界第二大地产行仲量联行(JLL)债务资本市场高级分析师,发起并管理价值超过10亿加元的债务和股权交易,管理一个8人债务融资和投资销售团队

  • Juteau Johnson Comba商业房地产资产评估师,评估价值超过7亿加元

  • 加拿大商业房地产高管网络CRE Library创始人之一, 多个加拿大投资与商业房地产大会 (Urban Land Institute等) 发言人

  • UniExplore联合创始人,职业导师

  • 卡尔顿大学商学院职业导师



Q1:  What skills and abilities you need to start or expand a career business and how the program can help? 你需要什么样的技能,去开始或者扩展你的职业版图?

Garret:The number ONE thing that you can have is courage. You got to be able to go out there and meet new people and do new things. The more times you do,the more opportunities you have. 首先你需要的是“勇气”。你需要走出自己的舒适圈,认识新的人、尝试新的事物。“越尝试,越幸运!”

If you have an interest in something like financing, accounting, technology, even video games, you have to go to the places where those people are. You will truly get new opportunities through relationship building. 如果你对某个领域感兴趣,比如财务、会计、技术,甚至是游戏,你需要做的事,尽可能认识这个领域的人。通过人际关系的建立,你会获得更多机会。

In the UniExplore Business Career Accelerator program, you can build relationships not only with your teammates who are from different backgrounds but with the instructor and industrial partners! 在UniExplore加速器项目,你不仅能与来自不同背景的团队成员建立人脉,同时,还能认识项目的导师和来自各个领域的行业合伙人!

Q2: How you can be an effective analyst by working in the Canadian job environment?在加拿大真实的职场环境中,如何成为一个高效的分析者?

A: To be an effective analyst you have to be open-minded and creative. Having the ability to utilize technology is the beginning. You need to have the ability beyond simply just adding numbers together. You need to have the ability to format or develop new systems. It's going to make you look like a wizard to your bosses! 想成为一个高效的分析和,你需要思维开阔、有创造力。知道如何使用技术,只是一个开始。只会简单地把数字相加——这远远不够。你需要有能力,去编排和开发新的系统。这会让你成为老板眼中的行家!

We teach and train you in the way of using the technology as well as the of thinking as an effective analyst in the UniExplore Business Career Accelerator program. 我们除了教你如何动手使用技术,更教你如何动脑思考,掌握成为一个高效分析者的思维方式。

Q3: What are you going to learn and train through the opportunities provided by the program? 通过“商业职场加速器”提供的宝贵机会,你会获得什么样的锻炼?

You're going to learn some of the Advanced Techniques when it comes to problem-solving. You will learn some standardized approaches and present in a team with a business case that you have to go through and develop a solution. 你将会学习到一些涉及“问题解决”高级技巧。你将会掌握一些标准化的商业分析方法,并在团队中做演讲。在此期间,你将会彻底了解一个商业案例,并找到问题的解决方法。

A lot of people are often times specialist in particular things in contrast to being more of a generalist, but when it comes to business just being a specialist is not enough. The organization or companies are going to be making jobs for individuals and stuff like who can see the big picture可能掌握某一方面的知识,是这一方面的“行家”,但是在真正的商业领域,这是远远不够的。很多组织和公司喜欢招聘能看到大局的人。

Through this program, you're going to have an insight on how to become a generalist because we will force you to look at a business that's operating. 在这个加速器项目中,你会全面了解商业的运行方式,最终成长为一个“全能型选手”

听了Garret的回答,你是不是对UniExplore Business Career Accelerator项目有了更多的理解和认识呢?

如果你想知道UniExplore Business Career Accelerator更多细节,欢迎观看“第一期学员商业职场加速器回顾直播”听听老学员们分享他们的学习、收获与成长。

Part 1: 你为什么选择参加UniExplore Business Career Accelerator?

Part 2: 你最喜欢UniExplore Business Career Accelerator的哪一个部分?

Part 3: 你参加UniExplore Business Career Accelerator遇到最大的挑战是什么?

Part 4: 你参加UniExplore Business Career Accelerator Get到Top 3技能是什么?


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